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主要从事大数据驱动的消费行为、智慧供应链与物流管理、新零售与全渠道管理、商务智能与数据挖掘等领域的研究工作,担任Information Technology & Management、International Journal of Production Research、International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management、Journal of Small Business Management、控制与决策、营销科学等国内外学术期刊的匿名审稿人。主讲现代物流与供应链管理、电子商务概论、客户关系管理等专业课程。近年来出版学术专著两部,发表学术论文三十余篇,其中SCI/SSCI/EI收录二十多篇,获省部级奖项共两项。指导学生在挑战杯、电子商务等竞赛中获国家级三等奖一项、省一等奖三项、省二等奖五项,指导学生完成国家级大学生创新创业项目与省级新苗人才计划项目等共六项。














Yang S. Q., Zhou Y. S., Yao J. R., Chen Y.G.*, Wei J., Understanding online review helpfulness in omnichannel retailing, Industrial Management & Data Systems, 2019, 119(8): 1565-1580.(SSCI/SCI JCR一区)

Chen Y. G., Dai R. Y., Yao J. R., Li Y. X., Donate Time or Money? The Determinants of Donation Intention in Online Crowdfunding, Sustainability, 2019, 11(16): 4269-4290. (SSCI/SCI JCR二区)

Yao J. R., Chen J. R., Wei J., Chen Y. G.*, Yang S. Q., The relationship between soft information in loan titles and online peer-to-peer lending: evidence from RenRenDai platform. Electronic Commerce Research. 2019, 19(1): 111-129. (SSCI, JCR三区)

Li Y. X., Zhang Z. D., Wang R. Q., Chen Y. G.*, Consumer Purchase Intention toward Crowdfunding Products/Services: A Cost–Benefit Perspective, Sustainability, 2019, 11(13): 3579-3599. (SSCI/SCI JCR二区)

Chen Y. G., Wang S., Yao J. R., Li Y. X., Yang S. Q., Socially responsible supplier selection and sustainable supply chain development: A combined approach of total interpretive structural modeling and fuzzy analytic network process. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2018, 27(8): 1708-1719. (SSCI JCR一区)

Chen Y. G., Yu J., Yang S. Q., Wei J., Consumer’s intention to use self-service parcel delivery service in online retailing: An empirical study. Internet Research. 2018, 28(2):500-519.  (SSCI/SCI JCR一区)

Yang S. Q., Jiang H., Yao J. R., Chen Y. G., Wei J., Perceived values on mobile GMS continuance: A perspective from perceived integration and interactivity. Computers in Human Behavior. 2018, (89): 16-26. (SSCI JCR一区)

Li Y. X., Yang S. Q.⁠, Chen Y. G., Yao J. R., Effects of perceived online–offline integration and internet censorship on mobile government microblogging service continuance: A gratification perspective. Government Information Quarterly, 2018, 35: 588-598. (SSCI JCR一区)

Chen Y.G., Wang S.,Purchasing channel choice based on fuzzy TOPSIS method, International Journal of Services Technology and Management. 2017, 23(3):237-253. (ESCI/EI)

Chen Y. G., Yang S. Q., Wang Z. J., Service Cooperation and Marketing Strategies of Infomediary and Online Retailer with eWOM Effect. Information Technology and Management. 2016, 17(2):109-118.  (SSCI JCR三区)

Yang, S. Q, Chen, Y. G., Wei, June. Understanding Consumer’s web-mobile shopping extension behavior: A trust transfer perspective. Journal of Computer Information Systems. 2015, 55(2):78-87.  (SSCI JCR三区)

Yang, S. Q., Lu, Y., Chen, Y. G., Gupta, S. Understanding consumers' mobile channel continuance: an empirical investigation of two fitness mechanisms. Behaviour & Information Technology, 2015, 34(12): 1135-1146.  (SSCI JCR三区)

Chen Y.G. eWOM of Customers and Referral Service of Infomediary in Online Retail Supply Chain. The Southwest Decision Sciences Institute 45th Annual Meeting, SWDSI 2015. Houston, USA, Mar 2015.

Chen Y.G, Zhang W. Y., Yang S. Q., Wang Z. J., Chen S. F. Referral Service and Customer Incentive in Online Retail Supply Chain. Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 2014, 12(4): 261-269.  (SCI JCR四区)

Wang Z. J., Chen Y. G., Logarithmic least squares prioritization and completion methods for interval fuzzy preference relations based on geometric transitivity. Information Sciences. 2014, 289(24):59-75.  (SSCI/SCI JCR一区)

Chen Y. G., Wang Z. J., Optimal Service Policy in the Presence of Demand Referral and Online Word-of-Mouth. International Conference on Service System and Service Management, ICSSM 2014. Beijing, China, July 2014.

Zhang W. Y., Zhang S. Chen Y. G., Pan X. W. Combining social network and collaborative filtering for personalised manufacturing service recommendation. International Journal of Production Research. 2013, 51(22): 6702-6719. (SSCI/SCI JCR一区)

陈远高,郭燕翔. 双渠道供应链中售后服务横向合作策略,武汉理工大学学报, 2013, 35(3): 427-430.

Chen Y. G. Customer incentive, demand referral and service cooperation in Internet supply chain. International Conference on Service System and Service Management, ICSSM 2013. Hongkong, China, July 2013.

陈远高. 多渠道电子供应链决策优化与协调研究. 中国经济出版社, 2012.

Yuangao Chen, Jianrong Yao. Referral Service of Infomediary in B2C Supply Chain.International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2012, 10(3/4): 414-426. (EI)

Yuangao Chen, Nan Liu. Effect of Online Word-of-Mouth and Referral Service on E-supply Chain Cooperation. International Journal of E-Trade, 2011,1(1):1-9.

陈远高,刘南. 存在异质性产品的双渠道供应链协调研究. 管理工程学报,2011,25(2):239-244.

陈远高,刘南. 具有服务差异的双渠道供应链竞争策略. 计算机集成制造系统,2010,16(11):2484-2489. (EI)

Yuangao Chen. Internet acceptance, service competition and channel profit in dual-channel supply chain. International Conference on E-business and E-governerment, ICEE 2010. Guangzhou, China. 2010:3235-3238.

3. 近年来所获奖励







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