2004.09-2009.12 浙江大学数学系博士
2000.09-2004.06 浙江大学数学系数学与应用数学专业 学士
2017.12至今 浙江财经大学信息管理与工程学院副教授
2013.04-2015.04 法国Burgundy大学博士后
2012.03-2017.12 浙江财经大学信息学院讲师
2010.03-2012.03 华为技术有限公司杭州研究所
[1]方林聪,汪国昭.一类五次OR曲线的构造方法.中国科学:信息科学, 2017, 12:1694-1704.
[2]L. Fang,G. Wang. Geometric characteristics of planar quintic Pythagorean-hodograph curves. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 330:117-127.(SCI二区)
[3]L. Fang, D. Michelucci, S. Foufou. An improved star test for implicit polynomial objects. Computer-Aided Design, 2016, 70:161-170. (CCF B类)
[4]G. Gouaty,L. Fang, D. Michelucci, M. Daniel, J.-P. Pernot, R. Raffin, S. Lanquetin, M. Neveu. Variational geometric modeling with black box constraints and DAGs. Computer-Aided Design, 2016, 75-76:1-12. (CCF B类)
[5]H. Barki,L. Fang, D. Michelucci, S. Foufou. Re-parameterization reduces irreducible geometric constraint systems. Computer-Aided Design, 2016, 70:182-192. (CCF B类)
[6]D. Yu, D. F. Li, J. M. Merigó,L. Fang. Mapping development of linguistic decision making studies, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2016, 30:2727-2736.
[7]X. Feng, Y. Liu,L. Fang. Digital watermark of 3D CAD product model. International Journal of Security & Its Applications, 2015, 9(9):305-320.
[8]方林聪,汪国昭.六次PH曲线C1 Hermite插值.中国科学:数学, 2014,7:799-804.
[9]L. Fang, J. M. Cane, D. Michelucci, S. Foufou. An emptiness test and a star test for patches. Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering 2014, Budapest.
[10]D. Yu,L. Fang. Intuitionistic multiplicative aggregation operators with their application in group decision making, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2014, 27:131-142.
[11]W. Shen,L. Fang, X. Chen, H. Xu. Projection onto convex sets method in space-frequency domain for super resolution. Journal of Computers, 2014, 9:1959-1966.
[12]L. Fang, G. Wang, W. Shen, On control polygon of one class of PH sextic. 2010 Asian Conference on Design and Digital Engineering (ACDDE2010), Korea, 2010.
[13]G. Wang,L. Fang. On control polygon of quartic PH curve. Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2009, 26:1006-1015. (CCF B类)
[14]方林聪,汪国昭.基于径向基函数的曲面重建算法.浙江大学学报工学版, 2010, 44:728-731.
[15]方林聪,汪国昭.点云的形状与曲线重建算法.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2009, 21:1558-1562.
[16]胡建伟,方林聪,刘利刚,汪国昭. 基于Delaunay四面体剖分的网格分割算法.计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2009, 21(11): 1729-1732.