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(1)     Dongwei Liu*, Haokun Geng, Tieying Liu, Reinhard Klette. Star-Effect Simulation for Photography. Computers & Graphics, 2016, 61: 19-28 (SCI)

(2)     Dongwei Liu*, Radu Nicolescu, Reinhard Klette. Stereo-Based Bokeh Effects for Photography. Machine Vision and Applications, 2016, 27(8): 1325-1337 (SCI)

(3)     Dongwei Liu*, Reinhard Klette. Fog effect for photography using stereo vision. The Visual Computer, 2016, 32(1): 99-109 (SCI)

(4)     刘东威, 张俊松*, 周昌乐. 考虑局部和整体特征的手绘图案合成. 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 2011, 23(1), 144-151 (EI)

(5)     Junjie Wu, Junsong Zhang*, Chu Liu, Dongwei Liu, Xiaojun Ding, Changle Zhou. Graph theoretical analysis of EEG functional connectivity during music perception. Brain research, 2012, 1483: 71-81 (SCI)



(1)     Dongwei Liu*, Radu Nicolescu, Reinhard Klette. Bokeh Effects Based on Stereo Vision. The 16th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, Malta, 2015

(2)     Dongwei Liu*, Haokun Geng, Reinhard Klette. Star-Effect Simulation for Photography Using Self-Calibrated Stereo Vision. The 7th Pacific Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology, New Zealand, 2015

(3)     Dongwei Liu*, Reinhard Klette. Sharpness and Contrast Measures on Videos. The 30th International Conference on Image and Vision Computing, New Zealand, 2015

(4)     Dongwei Liu*, Reinhard Klette. Stereo refinement for photo editing. The 7th International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics, Poland, 2014

(5)     Dongwei Liu*, Reinhard Klette. Matting-Based Stereo Refinement for Computational Photography. The 29th Image and Vision Computing, New Zealand, 2014

(6)     Dongwei Liu*, Reinhard Klette. Inverse Skeletal Strokes. PSIVT 2013 Workshop on Image and Video Technology, Mexico, 2013

(7)     Dongwei Liu, Junsong Zhang*, Changle Zhou. Perceptually-based Stroke Pattern Synthesis. The 19th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, Taiwan, China, 2011

(8)     刘东威, 张俊松*, 周昌乐. (2010). 考虑局部和整体特征的手绘图案合成方法. 第八届中国计算机图形学大会, 南京, 中国, 2010


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