讲座题目:Pricing contracts and planning stochastic resources in brand display advertising
Publishers, advertisers, and users are the three players in online display advertising, where the traded object is an impression (i.e., a user's visit). The publisher usually sells impressions months in advance of their physical appearance by signing contracts on prices and quantities with advertisers. With the introduction of ad exchanges, the publisher can also sell impressions that are unsold in the contracting market in a spot market. We build a bi-objective optimization problem to maximize the publisher's expected revenue and the advertisers’ fairness of impression allocation in the presence of a spot market and impression supply uncertainty. Here, the publisher decides on the contract prices and creates a plan for impression allocations. The problem is a non-convex program, solved by integrating local and global heuristic methods. We also set a lower bound and an upper bound to facilitate and justify the solutions. Numerical examples indicate that ignoring supply uncertainty may over-estimate the expected revenue, and that fairness may be achieved by sacrificing a small portion of revenue. However, too much fairness may reduce the revenue. It is also shown that the heuristic algorithms are computationally effective.
沈月林,浙江财经大学工商管理学院教授。1991年获复旦大学物理学学士,1994年北京师范大学获理论物理硕士,1999年辛辛那提大学获物理学硕士,2004年波士顿大学管理学院获工商管理博士。先后在马来西亚, 澳门,上海的多所高校从教,于2016年底加入浙江财经大学。研究领域为运营与供应链管理, 已有研究包括供应链采购,生产和渠道的各个方面。 曾在 Intel, Optiant 参加供应链架构设计。目前主要研究互联网环境下的供应链管理以及平台型企业的运营模式。研究成果发表在JOC,EJOR,OMEGA,IJPE, IJPR等国际期刊上;同时,主持两项国家自然科学基金面上项目。